
The borrowing limit of books and media is 10 items per member.
The standard loan period is 14 days.
Before borrowing the book, members must pay a refundable deposit. The rates are as follows:
Thai book 300 Baht
Foreign language book, learning kit, board game, toy set 1,000 Baht.
After returning the borrowed item, the member can request a refund. Bring your ID card as proof of identification.
Members can borrow books from the self-check lending machine and receive a date due slip as proof. The date of your checkout and return activity is shown on the slip.
Members can renew the loan 2 times/item. Each renewal extends the loan period by 14 days.
The book must not be overdue and must not have been requested by someone else.
*To renew your loan, you have to top up the book deposit according to the specified rate.
*To renew your loan, you have to top up the book deposit according to the specified rate.
When borrowing books from TK Book Delivery via MyTK Application or the member is responsible for the delivery fee.
It is not permitted to use another person’s membership card to borrow a book or learning material. Please use only your membership card.
Members must pay a book deposit at the service counter to borrow a book.
Deposit for Thai language books and materials is 300 Baht.
Deposit for foreign language books and materials, board games, and Toy Library Learning Kit is 1,000 Baht.

Members can return the book at these two book drops:
(1) An automatic book drop inside TK Park on the 8th floor of CentralWorld is open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
(2) An automatic book drop located outside TK Park on the 8th floor of CentralWorld is open from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
(3) An automatic book drop, TK Mini, on the 1st floor of the SiamScape building, is open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Members can return items via postal service. The postmark date must be on or before the due date.
Book return is at members’ own cost.
Delivery Address:
Library Department (return books)
Thailand Knowledge Park
Central World Level 8 Dazzle Zone
Ratchadamri Road Pathumwan Bangkok 10330
Contact number 081-925-9900
Member card is not required for book returns.
The current overdue fine for the late returned book is 10 Baht/item/day.
If your borrowed items are overdue, TK Park will notify you via email and the MyTK app.Your library account will be frozen, making it impossible for you to borrow anything until you return the borrowed books and materials and pay your fines.

Members can renew the loan 2 times/item. Each renewal extends the loan period by 14 days. *The book must not be overdue and must not have been requested by someone else. Members cannot borrow any library materials while they have outstanding fines.
Renew your loan online at
Download “Renewal Manual” here.
Renew your loan via Line: @TKPark from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day (except library closing day)
Renew your loan in person at the TK Park service counter on the 8th floor of Central World.

Fines and Charges
The current overdue fine for the late returned book is 10 Baht/item/day.
On TK Park’s holidays, no fines will be imposed.
The fine will be deducted from the deposit on the membership card.
Lost or damaged Item
If the member could find a replacement copy of the material, they are still liable for the administration fee of 100 Baht per item.
If the member could not find a replacement copy of the material, they must pay the full replacement cost of the item and the administration fee of 100 Baht per item.
Cutting, tearing, or causing damage to library materials, or taking books or other TK Park materials out of the area without permission, will result in a 2,000 Baht fine and immediate disqualification from using the service.