Learning society is an essential key to sustainable economic development in Thailand, which would consequently lead to a good quality of life for people in the nation.
Thailand Knowledge Park or TK Park was founded as a "prototype" of a knowledge hub for children and the public to pursue knowledge. Aiming to respond to the lifelong pursuit of knowledge and lifelong learning, a "Living Library" fully equips with books, media. With "ongoing", "diverse" and "respond to need" reading activities and learning workshops, TK Park has become a crucial ingredient in thousands of children and adolescence's learning experience, a powerful force to drive Thailand to become a real "learning society".





Endless Imagination

TK Park Background
Thailand Knowledge Park or TK Park was established on June 18, 2004, as a creative learning organization under the Office of Knowledge Management and Development (Public Organization). Opened to the public on January 24, 2005, TK Park is now on the eighth floor of CentralWorld Shopping Centre. Designed to be a modern space for reading and learning, TK Park with an area of 3,700 square meters is packed with learning media like book, music and multimedia in. TK Park also works in collaboration with outside organizations like government agencies and private sectors to hold learning activities and workshops for children and juvenile.
January 13, 2004: Thai government has always been aware of the urge to reinforce the Thai public to become a learning society. Cabinet resolution approved a policy to develop Thailand towards a Knowledge-based society.
May 4, 2004: The Office of Knowledge Management and Development (Public Organization) or OKMD was founded according to the Royal Decree on the Establishment of the Office of Knowledge Management and Development (Public Organization).
June 18, 2004: The administrative committee of the Office of Knowledge Management and Development issued an announcement No. 4/2547 of the Establishment and Management of Thailand Knowledge Park – a specialized organization under the Office of Knowledge Management and Development (Public Organization).
January 24, 2005: Spreading over 1,014 square meters on the sixth floor of CentralWorld Shopping Centre in Bangkok, TK Park officially opened to the public. Thailand's prototype of knowledge park aimed to provide creative and modern learning environments to enrich a positive reading habit and an intense passion in the pursuit of knowledge.
May 26, 2006: TK Park moved to the eighth floor of CentralWorld Shopping Centre, covering 3,700 square metres.
July 23 – December 11 2010: TK Park opened “Mini TK” as a scaled-down living library in a space of 250 square metres on the ground floor at the Offices@CentralWorld due to the fire damage of CentralWorld Shopping Centre caused by the Thai political unrest.
January 4, 2011 TK Park reopened on the eighth floor of CentralWorld Shopping Centre.
August 29, 2019 TK Park opened up a temporary learning space “TK Alive”, covering 150 square metres in front of Genius Planet Zone on the sixth floor of CentralWorld Shopping Centre as a result of the fire incident on the eighth floor of CentralWorld Shopping Centre
September 16, 2019 TK Park officially changed its name from the Office of Thailand Knowledge Park to the Institute of Thailand Knowledge Park, as per the resolution of the Office of Knowledge Management and Development Committee in the 8/2562 Meeting on August 30, 2019.